15 December 2006

At the Airport - again!

For the seventh time in the last six weeks I find myself sitting at Starbucks at KLIA, killing time before boarding my flight. I believe that I may now be officially in the jaded traveller bracket. It isn't that I don't love travelling - and I am definitely looking forward to the three weeks in NZ that I am currently waiting to start. It is simply that any of the minor joys and excitements about the actual travel, has disappeared. Gone are the days of starting to pack a week or more in advance, writing lists so things aren't forgotten, and carefully planning a travel wardrobe (so important to look sophisticated, yet be comfortable). Today I was at work until 3pm, came home and was packed and ready to be picked up by the taxi an hour later. Having said that I have realised that I left a cute top behind I was going to bring - but where as that would once have concerned me, I now know I will survive. I guess with the travelling I do it isn't surprising that this has happened - but I do kinda miss a bit of that thrill. Not that I would exchange all my travelling for that. After all in the last year (yes - I am bragging now!) I have been to ten different countries (Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, NZ, Philippines, Singapore, America, Canada, Myanmar, and Hong Kong if you were curious).
The semester at school finished today, and on reflection I am bloody grateful! It has to be one of the most stressful and downright challenging six months of my professional life. Yet I have survived! I am stronger! And I think finally I may have been able to get my team members (the source of a lot of my frustration) to actually understand what their job is - and more importantly what it isn't. I'm unsure whether part of this feeling is due to the fact that for the first time in my adult life I am doing the same job for two years in a row. I am hoping that having pushed through I will start to enjoy the 'settled-ness' next semester. At least for the next 18 months when it will be time to move on again.
Speaking of moving on - it is time to move to the gate. Here's hoping that there aren't too many children making their way to NZ tonight!

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