25 March 2007

Defending the Honor of the Expat Women

Last night I took to the kitchen in an attempt to defend the honor of my fellow expat women. Over lunch after church a few weeks ago some of my local friends (all males, I need to point out, some of whom in their late 20s still live at home), made some gross generalisations about expat women being unable to cook. Whilst I sprung to my peers and my own defense, arguing that not only could I cook but I cooked very well, I was laughed at. Now I am willing to admit that although I don't cook very often, I am more than capable. However when I can have an amazing meal of tandoori chicken, naan and spinach curry for 10RM (about NZ$4), and to buy the ingredients to cook something costs double it is hardly surprising. But this slur on my honor had the hackles rising and in a rash moment I had invited 10 people over to my place for dinner.
Now most of you who know me well know that I can't take a challenge sitting down, and of course ended up going a little over board on dinner. I will admit that I was also in the process of trying to impress one of the dinner guests in particular, which probably fueled the cooking frenzy a little more. But to cut a long story, which included four Venezuelan circus performers and 45 elementary students, short - I cooked a mighty fine Thai meal; a red and green Thai curry, spicy pork noodle salad, prawn and orange salad and papaya and green beans, topped off with chocolate silk tart and pavlova. So tonight after having even more friends round to eat the left overs (which I will be doing for a few more days), I feel very confident that I have proven my point to my local friends, expat women can cook and damn well if I say so myself. As to whether it impressed a certain person enough, for that I shall just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Hamster said...

Yu might like this website
It's got about 30 Thai dishes with online cooking videos for each dish. Good if you like to try to cook Thai food