31 March 2007

Malaysian Tiki Tour I

After living in Malaysia for almost 3 years I decided that it was long past time to take a Malaysian road trip, or at least one that involves more than driving to the ferry departure point for a weekend diving. So with the 10 days of Spring Break ahead of us Andrea and I took off to the East Coast in my lovely little piece of Malaysian engineering (fully serviced before departure for an amazing RM39, or NZ $15 including a new headlight). The drive to Cherating, home of Club Med in Malaysia, was a simple one although we quickly discovered in a torrential down pour that the service had not included getting rid of the ear piercing squeak of the windscreen wipers. We decided to go a little upmarket for the first few days (not Club Med upmarket!) and stayed at a Legends, a resort we quickly discovered is mainly used by local Malays that looked at our bikini clad bodies beside the pool with horror whilst they were completely covered from head to toe. Luckily our pool hours were quite separate, they were leaving the pool by the time we had emerged from our rooms and we finished worshipping the sun around 5pm they decided it was safe to come out and not darken their complexions.
So Legends provided us with a nice few days of getting in to holiday mode; lots of amazing fresh seafood, sightings of hornbills, poisonous snakes and iguanas, and about five million mosquito bites currently causing me to want to chop my legs off at the knees.
Today we have driven north to Kuala Terengganu where we have done the town shopping area in ten minutes and are now heading back for a snooze before some banana leaf curry for dinner. Yum! Tomorrow we head further north up the East Coast (when I get a chance I'll post a map for those of you who like the visual props) and head over to paradise. 5 days diving in the Perhentians. Got to love life in Malaysia!

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